Premium Wedding Photography Training for Professionals
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Your path to professional wedding photography training starts with Premium
Meet Robert
Robert is an outstanding photographer specializing in weddings and portraits, with numerous awards to his credit. He has developed a comprehensive program to empower you to establish your business and pursue your passion as a full-time wedding photographer. Having captured more than 600 weddings and running a flourishing enterprise with a yearly turnover of over £100,000, he has the expertise to guide you in building a successful wedding photography business you can be proud of. Get ready to embark on an inspiring journey of limitless possibilities!
What’s Included
Wedding photographer styles and approaches
Equipment and the best settings to use for weddings
Preparations for the wedding day and workflow leading up to the wedding
Must-have shots, shooting with your wedding albums in mind
Group Shots formula, all your group photos are covered in 20min
Bride and groom portraits
Backup your files
Importing, organising, and culling
Editing, using presets, colour correction
Exporting image size and quality for your customers
Online gallery, digital download, extra sales
Wedding Profit Calculator
Album design and proofing
20 hours of video content at real weddings
Watch me cover group photos and my approach
Email Templates
Wedding Contracts
30min one-to-one video call each month with Robert
As a full-time wedding photographer covering over 600 weddings and running a successful business with a yearly turnover of over £100,00, I can share my knowledge to help you build a better wedding business.
Premium wedding photography training covers every aspect of a wedding photography business. New content is uploaded on a monthly basis, and I provide business & marketing advice, email templates, wedding contracts, T&C templates, SEO guidelines, post-production guidance, live events and more.
Did I mention I've filmed a dedicated workshop covering over three days of content to help you get your business up and running or streamline your current company?
There is a dedicated members’ WhatsApp Group for Q&A and a community of wedding photographers.
On average a one-day wedding workshop cost £299-£499
One-day wedding workshops don’t provide you with the knowledge and experience you need to complete your first wedding. With our membership, you have access to a wealth of knowledge that’s constantly updated. Pay your subscription and enjoy 12 months of wedding bonanza; you can cancel at any time.
You have the exciting opportunity to schedule a complimentary 30-minute one-to-one video session with Robert every month! This is your chance to receive guidance on your wedding day strategy and scenery selection or assistance with photo editing. This free advantage is available to all members, and you can quickly and easily book it through your account.
Become a better wedding photographer
For a limited time, £99.99 a year - regular price, £179.99 a year.
If you join now and pay £99.99, your subscription will renew each year at that price as long as you're a member. You can cancel your membership at any time. If you decide to rejoin at a later date, this will be at the regular price of £179.99.
Join now and have access to all the wedding bonanza tools
Wedding Bonanza Premium
Create an account to unlock Premium
Subscription will auto-renew each year and you can cancel anytime before your subscription renews.