Wedding Profit Calculator


We have designed the Wedding Profit Calculator to help you grow your wedding photography business. This calculator will do your math and create your hourly rate.
Fill in the blanks on the form with the costings you know, and watch your package price form in minutes. The first step to starting your own and running a successful wedding photography business.

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We have designed the Wedding Profit Calculator to help you grow your wedding photography business. This calculator will do your math and create your hourly rate.
Fill in the blanks on the form with the costings you know, and watch your package price form in minutes. The first step to starting your own and running a successful wedding photography business.

We have designed the Wedding Profit Calculator to help you grow your wedding photography business. This calculator will do your math and create your hourly rate.
Fill in the blanks on the form with the costings you know, and watch your package price form in minutes. The first step to starting your own and running a successful wedding photography business.

Wedding Photography Profit Calculator

Use our Wedding Profit Calculator to Calculate your Wedding Photography business cost – how much does each wedding/product cost you to make? Consider the number of weddings you would need to cover in a year. Consider the ideal amount to build a successful wedding business and pay your bills. For example, a full-time wedding photographer would, on average, turn around 32 weddings a year to make a profit being self-employed.

Wedding Profit Calculator how to price yourself correctly

Robert has created a wedding profit calculator to help you achieve this and better understand your incomings and outgoings. We cover the following topics to develop your hourly rate: wedding profit calculator: direct costs, fixed costs, time spent, up-sales, and final profits.

As your business grows and your cost rises with price increases, you can add in the new figgers each year and keep ahead of your competition in this busting wedding marked with competitive pricing at a profit.

Album and print sales

With the Wedding Profit Calculator, you can add in the base cost of all your album and print sales to create an average per wedding on achievable sales you need to create from each booking. Make you a more profitable business and a better understanding of not only your cost but what makes you the most profit.

In any business, it is essential to understand profit and loss to run a successful business. With this calculator, you can achieve this and know what your hourly rate is charged for additional hours worked at any given wedding you take on.

When you’re meeting with your potential client, knowing what to say and the price to give when asked, “what do you charge for an additional two hours” is an absolute must without guessing and pulling a figure out from the clouds.

Additional information

Download Info

Once you have purchased a download link that is valid for 31 days. Download your Microsoft Excel document. This is a complex algorithm document; all you have to do is fill in the costings, and all the magic works in the background.

All download links expire within 31 days of purchasing; please download your product after purchase. One download per customer.

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